Oil Reclamation: Is There A Better Way To Save Your Oil?

Posted on: 28 April 2022


If you use a lot of oil or another fuel source in your company, you may recycle or extend the use of your fuel to save money. But if your current recycling methods take too long to complete, you may choose to purchase new fuel instead. You can extend the use of your fuel with oil reclamation. Learn more about oil reclamation and how it may work for you below.

What's Oil Reclamation?

Water, pieces of metal, and dirt can contaminate oil over time. If you want to reuse your oil in the future, you can recycle it. Although recycling is a good way to save your oil, it may be too time-consuming and costly for you to use on a regular basis. You can use a process called oil reclamation to decontaminate your fuel instead.

The reclamation process occurs in steps, including the filtration step and the dehydration step. Reclamation companies use special filters during the filtration step to remove dirt, metal shavings, and other fine particles from contaminated oil. The oil is pure and clean enough to use again.

The dehydration step removes water and other fluids from oil. Water keeps oil from adhering to the surfaces of your machine parts. If your machines become too dry, they can corrode or stop working. The dehydration step improves the quality, viscosity, and performance of your oil. 

The steps above are just some of the things the reclamation process can do for your fuel. If you want to use the reclamation process for your fuel, contact a reclamation company today.

How Do You Reclaim Your Fuel?

First, contact a fuel reclamation company to request services for your business. A company will need to know more about your oil or fuel usage, including the type of oil you use and how much oil you use. The information helps a reclamation company determine the type of services your business requires to keep going.

For example, if you use hydraulic machines that use large quantities of oil to operate each day, you may want advanced reclamation services for your business. The services may include scheduling regular onsite visits to your business during the month. The visits ensure your machines receive the fuel they need to operate on time and properly.

A company may also clean out your above and below-ground fuel storage containers for you. Containers can become contaminated with water and other impurities over time. The impurities may affect the quality of your reserves, or they may damage your storage tanks. Damaged storage tanks can leak oil into the ground. A reclamation company can monitor and clean your storage tanks as needed.

Learn more about oil reclamation services by contacting a provider today.